The 5 golden rules for healthy eating, according to a doctor and an RD



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The 5 golden rules for healthy eating, according to a doctor and an RD - Well and Good

Unless we’re talking puppies, avocados, or Taylor Swift songs, I am of the belief that less is more—especially when it comes to healthy eating. No, I don’t mean less food—I mean less complication. It can be incredibly easy to get caught up in all the different eating plans—I say this as someone who has been on paleo, keto, vegan, plant-based, raw food, macrobiotic, and probably 12 other types of diets in her lifetime. It’s confusing!

It can be hard to cut through all the chatter to know how to eat, something that was touched on during our most recent Well+Good TALK event. “It doesn’t have to be that complicated,” Katlin Smith, CEO of Simple Mills, said. “So while there’s a lot of noise out there, there’s actually a lot of things that we do know work very well. It’s not actually that mysterious.” Or at least, it shouldn’t be.

Here, the top five tips we learned about simple healthy eating from Smith, Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, and Ruvini Wijetilaka, MD. (Because, Elle Woods voice: What, like it’s hard?)