Eat your burgers upside-down, food experts say



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Eat your burgers upside-down, food experts say - cnet

Everything you know about burger binging is wrong.

It doesn't matter if your idea of a perfect burger is a double cheeseburger with bacon or a veggie burger with sprouts. Bottom line: you're not eating your burger right.

According to food bloggers, turning your burger upside-down before you chow down is the best method of eating it. No, really.

One of the main reasons for this flip-side way of eating a burger is that the crown, or top of the bun, is usually thicker than the bottom, or heel.

The thicker, top part of the burger bun, food experts say, can better withstand all the meat and vegetable juices and condiments than the thinner bottom of the bun that gets soggier more quickly.