You’ll Probably Forget What It Was Like to Live Through a Pandemic



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You’ll Probably Forget What It Was Like to Live Through a Pandemic - Vice

Memory researchers say these months will eventually become a blur for those of us isolating at home.

A day off when the local school was bombed. Being so bored that waiting for fruit to fall off a gingko tree becomes a source of entertainment. Dead bodies in the street. A pilot, presumed dead, walking into a crowded restaurant to greet his astounded partner and friends.

These are all memories from people who lived through capital-B Big historical events: World War II, the Vietnam War, the Cultural Revolution in China; the scenes and experiences that stuck in their minds decades later.

As we experience a global pandemic, it's odd to realize that we're currently living through a new Big historical event. We'll be telling our children about it, documenting it in history textbooks, and swapping our shared