Ranked: The 17 Worst Travel Annoyances On A Plane



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Ranked: The 17 Worst Travel Annoyances On A Plane - Forbes

What bothers you most when you're flying? Armrest hogs? Aggressive recliners? Stinky seatmates? Genfare — a company that works with transportation companies to update and improve systems for collecting transit fares — decided to get to the bottom of things. In a new study of 2,000 Americans who fly at least twice per year, the company identified the 17 top travel annoyances for airline passengers. The survey also looked at trains and automobiles.

“Getting from point A to point B has never been easier thanks to technology. However, we all know that the one aspect we can’t always control is the bad travel behavior of fellow passengers," says Tara Farnsworth, director of marketing at Genfare. "We were curious to find out which of these travel annoyances tops the list not just for airline travel, but also for the traveling and commuting we do on a daily basis.”