Move Over Farro: Freekeh Is Your New Favorite Grain



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Move Over Farro: Freekeh Is Your New Favorite Grain - Mother Jones

Freekeh may sound like some punishing gruel savored only within the confines of hippie communes, circa 1976. But don’t let the name freak you out. Consumed throughout the Eastern Mediterranean at least since the 13th century, freekeh is the unripe, toasted grains of an ancient wheat variety called durum—and it’s “exquisitely good,” as the Middle Eastern food expert Anissa Helou observes. (Here’s a concise description of its history and how it’s processed.)

The flavor is nutty and slightly smoky, and more appealing on its own than any other grain I know of, even my beloved farro. (In fact, my “Farro Recipe Generator” can be adapted for freekeh.) And it’s said to be a nutritional powerhouse—it trumps quinoa and brown rice in protein and fiber content per serving.