Is There Any Way to Make Your Hair Grow Faster?



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Is There Any Way to Make Your Hair Grow Faster? - Cleveland Clinic

That pixie cut seemed like a good idea at the time. But now you’re staring in the mirror, and the reflection looking back is more, “Eek!” than chic.

Is there anything (anything?!) you can do to speed up the growing-out process? Dermatologist Wilma Bergfeld, MD, gives us the long and short of it.

Hair growth 101

The hair on your head grows in cycles. At any time, about 80% of your hair is actively growing. The remaining strands are either in a resting state or preparing to die and fall out.

If your hair is shedding like crazy, see a doctor to rule out any illnesses or nutrient deficiencies that might be responsible. But if scissors — not shedding — are at the root of your problem, you’ll have to summon some patience: Hair grows a measly 4 to 6 inches per year.