Inside the World of Guide Dog Dropouts



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Inside the World of Guide Dog Dropouts - Mel Magazine

In this highly competitive training, pup perfection is demanded — and not every student can make it to graduation. Here's what happens to the still very good boys who need a sudden ‘career change.’

When I meet Eddie, a yellow Labrador, at a friend’s family barbecue in Detroit, it’s clear he isn’t like other dogs. He knows how to sit, stay and walk (on- or off-leash), but his best trick is being able to read a room. Whether his role is to greet a guest, play with children or rest his head on my lap as we drink beers by the bonfire, Eddie always does the right thing. All the while, he’s never a nerd about his intrinsic obedience. “Dude, what’s your dog’s deal?” I eventually ask Delia Bryan, Eddie’s owner and a family friend.

“He’s a guide-dog-school reject,” she tells me.