Four Tips for Calming Travel Anxiety, According to a Psychiatrist



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Four Tips for Calming Travel Anxiety, According to a Psychiatrist - Martha Stewart

If flights, hotel accommodations, and itineraries are all enough to make you feel panicked, try these expert-approved relaxation techniques.

While travel can be a source of excitement, it can also be a cause for stress for many people. It could be as simple as worrying that you won't pack the right clothes, or as complicated as being afraid you'll fall ill, face bad weather, or end up in a terrible accident. But no matter the cause for your anxiety, there are many ways to calm your nerves before takeoff.

While travel can be a source of excitement, it can also be a cause for stress for many people. It could be as simple as worrying that you won't pack the right clothes, or as complicated as being afraid you'll fall ill, face bad weather, or end up in a terrible accident. But no matter the cause for your anxiety, there are many ways to calm your nerves before takeoff.