Dreaming about your next trip? You're not alone, but this time it's different



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Dreaming about your next trip? You're not alone, but this time it's different - USA Today

If you've canceled your summer vacation, you're probably dreaming about your next one. It's OK. So are a lot of people.

Rob Hall is one of them. He skipped his family cruise to Italy this summer but is optimistic that the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak will be over by fall. He's planning to fly to Maui for a few days in October – at least that's his dream.

"We so badly need to get away," says Hall, a retired financial services manager from Walnut Creek, California.

He's not the only one. A survey of travelers by Qtrip finds plenty of pent-up demand for travel. A surprising 40% of respondents plan to travel this summer. Twenty-three percent are waiting until the fall or winter, and 7% are holding off until spring. (The remaining 30% say they don't have a clue when they'll travel again.)


I can see both sides. There's definitely going to be pent up demand while others will be more cautious and taking their time. Myself, I want to get out having already canceled two vacations and at least one trip to Vegas. Taking precautions while traveling will be the obvious way to go, but not going somewhere pretty soon is not going to be an option. :D