Does UberEats Really Think Food Will Be Delivered by Drones in Just 3 Years?



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Does UberEats Really Think Food Will Be Delivered by Drones in Just 3 Years? - Food and Wine

The idea of delivering things by drone has been a popular topic: All sorts of companies from Amazon to Domino’s have been testing the idea. But one big question remains: When will drone delivery not only be possible from a technological and legal standpoint, but also practical? UberEats—the ride-hailing service’s food delivery arm—apparently hopes to be delivering via the sky in just three years… or maybe not.

The revelation comes courtesy of a job posting on Uber’s website—though importantly, that listing has since been removed. The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Uber was “seeking an operations executive who can help make delivery drones functional as soon as next year and commercially operational in multiple markets by 2021.” However, when the WSJ reached out for comment, the tech company pulled the job posting, with a spokesman telling the paper that it did “not fully reflect our program, which is still in very early days.”