7 Travel Hacks That'll Make You Feel More Confident When You're Traveling Alone



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7 Travel Hacks That'll Make You Feel More Confident When You're Traveling Alone - Bustle

As one of the many women who travel alone, and has traveled to some faraway, exotic places, I can attest to the fact that it's an extraordinary experience. In some ways, traveling alone can be better than traveling with your friends because you get to enjoy things in an intimate way that traveling with a group doesn't allow. When you travel alone, you're forced to get out of your comfort zone, talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to, and even face some of your fears. But to do so requires confidence and a backbone that your day-to-day life doesn't usually require.

"I think a lot of women are afraid to travel solo because they’ve been told it’s not possible or it’s not safe," Hostelworld’s head of product and design and travel expert, Breffni Horgan, tells Bustle. "Don’t let that stop you. If you’ve done your research, planned wisely, and set your mind on traveling, you will succeed and it will change your life. Everyone tells you that traveling will make you more confident, that you’ll find yourself, that you’ll be creatively inspired. That’s all true, but only if you take a chance on solo travel and embrace the challenges that will inevitably pop up along the way."