7 Foods That Make Your Nails Grow Fast and Stay Stronger Longer



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7 Foods That Make Your Nails Grow Fast and Stay Stronger Longer - One Green Planet

Who doesn’t want strong nails that don’t break at the slightest little thing? Wouldn’t it be nice to just eat certain foods and be able to grow longer and stronger every single month? Coming from someone who used to say she “would never have long nails,” I can tell you that it is 100 percent possible when you give your body the right sources of nutrients. First thing’s first, though, the false nails have to go ladies.

Chemicals and glue that hold false nails on do not support nail growth; they can also strip away the very protection your nails need in order to truly be healthy. When you start feeding your body the right foods, you’ll be shocked at how much your nails will change in a very short amount of time. You’ll have a hard time keeping them trimmed and before you know it, they’ll be stronger than you ever imagined!