6 Diet-based Ways to Pare Health Costs



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6 Diet-based Ways to Pare Health Costs - CFO

With poor eating habits a leading cause of illness and death, employers can't afford not to help employees improve their nutrition.

With health-care spending projected to rise an average of 5.5% annually from 2017 to 2026, and with the competition for employees growing fierce, it’s a good time for creative solutions that nourish employees from the inside out.

Food is at the heart of the issue, and healthy employees and the food on their plates is now your company’s business.

Research back in 2012 showed that 45% of deaths from “cardiometabolic disease” (including heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes) were attributable to the food people ate. In 2000 it was estimated that approximately 30–35% of cancer deaths in the United States were linked to diet.

If business leaders learned that drinking water in the office was contaminated and 45% of employee deaths were attributable to that, it wouldn’t take years to begin a conversation about cleaning up the water source.