170 Hypothetical Questions That'll Give Your Brain a Workout



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170 Hypothetical Questions That'll Give Your Brain a Workout - Parade

The art of conversation is changing. Sometimes we are so connected to our screens that we forget to “connect” with those around us. It’s time to change this.
Once in a while, it’s nice to sit down, relax, and just talk. But, chatting can quickly get boring when you stick to small talk. After all, there is only so much to say about the weather. Luckily, posing a couple of hypothetical questions can quickly turn a dull chat into an invigorating conversation.

Whether serious or silly, hypothetical questions are a great way to get an interesting conversation started. They create an open environment where people can share their inner thoughts and feelings. You get to know the person you are talking to better since these “What if…?” questions force you to think and use your imagination.

Save your small talk for the strangers you meet while in line at the supermarket.