‘I gave away our stuff’: the minimalists doing more with less



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‘I gave away our stuff’: the minimalists doing more with less - The Guardian

Growing numbers of people, partly inspired by Marie Kondo, are ditching consumerism for a simpler life

t’s time to declutter. Fuelled in part by Marie Kondo’s call to eschew anything that does not “spark joy”, a growing number of people are questioning whether they are better off with less in life – from old jackets stuck under the stairs to unnecessary shopping trips and gadgets that clog up the home, or even a property that is larger than they need.

This new push towards minimalism, whereby people live with less, can have substantial benefits for the environment and people’s state of mind, as well as their finances. But does it mean living on rice and wearing the same two outfits all week? Or is there a more measured way to cutting out the unnecessary?

Georgina Caro downsized the family home, gave away three-quarters of their possessions and now thinks much more carefully about every purchase. As a result, Caro and her partner, Phil Warne, who live in Cornwall with their two young children, no longer have any short-term debts and have halved their mortgage.