travel annoyances

  1. cheryl

    Travel annoyances abound in the air and on the ground. Here's how to fix a few of them

    Travel annoyances abound in the air and on the ground. Here's how to fix a few of them - USA Today What do you hate about travel? And is there any way to fix the problem, besides staying home? For Brett Manders, the answer to "what drives you crazy?" is simple. "The carousel cozy-uppers," he...
  2. cheryl

    Ranked: The 17 Worst Travel Annoyances On A Plane

    Ranked: The 17 Worst Travel Annoyances On A Plane - Forbes What bothers you most when you're flying? Armrest hogs? Aggressive recliners? Stinky seatmates? Genfare — a company that works with transportation companies to update and improve systems for collecting transit fares — decided to get to...