Yes, there is a right way to write an email — here are some simple rules



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Yes, there is a right way to write an email — here are some simple rules - Ideas.Ted

Does sending and replying to emails take up an excessive amount of your time? Reduce the burden by following these basic guidelines, says editor and writer Victoria Turk.

“You probably think that you’re an expert emailer …
You spend most of your workday composing, sending, receiving and replying to emails,” says Victoria Turk, a senior editor at WIRED UK in a TEDxAthens talk. “You live in your inbox.” However, if writing and replying take up too much of your time or you worry that your emails are disappearing into the ether without getting an answer, then “you’re probably doing it wrong,”she adds.

Turk’s email philosophy is aimed at reducing the overall burden of email on senders and recipients. She says, “At its simplest, this can mean cutting down on the number of emails you send and sending them to fewer people … When you do send an email, you should make it as quick and easy as possible for the recipient to deal with.” Here is her specific advice.