Why British food is terrible



Staff member
Why British food is terrible - The Outline

It has nothing to do with World War II.

consider myself very lucky to have friends from all around the world, but there are admittedly one or two downsides. There’s the struggle to communicate across time zones. There’s the pain of knowing how rarely you might see each other. But perhaps the worst part of it is the indignity of the constant jokes at the expense of your nationality. For me, as a Brit, this means unoriginal cracks about my oral health (our teeth are good, actually), snarky references to Brexit, and an insistence that I must come from a town called “Plumpton-on-the-Lea” or “Bobbleton-upon-Rockinghamshire.”

But the favorite jab of my international friends is to go for the obvious, and insult British food.

It doesn't matter where you go in the world — the reputation of my national cuisine precedes itself. "I miss Sunday lunch with my family,'' I once told a very polite Japanese man I was tutoring. "Mm", he nodded. "But, I think maybe...British food is quite...terrible?" When pressed on the subject, people will generally describe their impression of British food as bland, soggy, overcooked, and visually unappealing.