Who Really Invented Sloppy Joes?



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Who Really Invented Sloppy Joes? Chowhound

Some foods are saddled with unfortunate names. Other foods, though they may be delicious, have the bad luck to look pretty terrible. And then there are those humble underdogs that combine the two misfortunes, chief among them the sloppy Joe. The saucy ground beef sandwich’s name conjures up a disheveled, grease-stained, possibly chain-smoking fry cook with no love for cleanliness. Its appearance could be likened to wet dog food (and that’s if you’re being kind). And yet, not only are sloppy Joes truly tasty, they’re an iconic American dish, right up there with hot dogs and hamburgers. But where did they come from?

Well, as with the origins of so many beloved food and drinks, that’s up for debate. The three institutions that are variously credited with inventing the sloppy Joe are an obscure café in Sioux City, Iowa; Sloppy Joe’s Bar in Key West, Fla.; and Sloppy Joe’s Bar in Havana, Cuba (bet you didn’t see that coming).