What to do if you lose your phone while traveling



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What to do if you lose your phone while traveling - The Seattle Times

On a recent trip to London, Logan Abbott’s phone disappeared. Although he’s one of thousands of travelers whose gadgets go missing on the road, his story is remarkable.

That’s because Abbott is the CEO of Wirefly.com, a company that helps consumers select a cellphone calling plan — an industry insider. You’d think a sophisticated phone user such as him would know how to prevent a loss. But it turns out anyone can lose a phone, even Abbott. The trick is in the recovery.

More than 29 million phones vanish each year according to Asurion, a company that insures smartphones, tablets and other electronics. Only 50 percent of people back up the data on their devices, and 28 percent of users said if they lost their gadget they would never be able to recover the data on it, according to research from Kaspersky, a cybersecurity and antivirus company.