Travel search platform Kayak has partnered to create its first hotel — see inside the tech-powered Miami hotel



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Travel search platform Kayak has partnered to create its first hotel — see inside the tech-powered Miami hotel - Business Insider

Kayak has unveiled its own hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, marking the travel search engine's first foray into the brick-and-mortar hospitality business.

The new 52-room Kayak Miami Beach will open in April as a "design lab" meant to trial "software innovations in the accommodation space," Kayak said in a press release. To help create this tech-forward hotel, Kayak partnered with "Silicon Valley-backed" Life House, which already has its own boutique hotels in four locations, including Miami Beach.

If you're wondering why the tech world has found interest in a hotel company like Life House, just look at its "social network" platform, which allows guests to virtually interact with each other by planning in-person meetups and outings, according to the company.