This Is Officially America’s Favorite Food—It’s Not Burgers



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This Is Officially America’s Favorite Food—It’s Not Burgers - Taste of Home

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, which would it be?

A recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll posed this thought-provoking question to Americans across the country. More than 2,000 U.S. adults responded, and the results were enlightening.

In an increasingly polarized country, it’s heartening to know that Americans can agree on what really matters: pizza.

Yes, the single food that most Americans would want to eat for the rest of their lives is pizza, which 21 percent of survey participants chose as their answer. It beat out steak (16 percent), tacos (11 percent), pasta (11 percent), and even the undeniably American hamburger (13 percent).