The Scientist Behind Some of Our Favorite Junk Foods



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The Scientist Behind Some of Our Favorite Junk Foods - Smithsonian

William A. Mitchell invented Cool Whip, Pop Rocks, Tang and other 20th-century treats

Hong Kong is one of the world’s greatest food cities, yet every so often I find myself traveling across town searching for a delicacy that’s hard to find amidst the dim sum shops and exquisite French restaurants.

Cool Whip.

Say what you will, but there’s nothing like a bowl of cherry Jell-O topped with a fluffy raft of faux whipped cream on a hot night. And both foodstuffs can be credited to the same inventor: William A. Mitchell. In honor of National Junk Food Day on July 21, we’re taking a look at Mitchell’s work, which falls squarely into America’s midcentury love affair with convenience foods.