The Rise of ‘Hangry’: A Modern Word for a Timeless Feeling



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The Rise of ‘Hangry’: A Modern Word for a Timeless Feeling - Eater

From Etsy signs to Snickers ad campaigns, ‘hangry’ is the word (and feeling) we can’t get away from

On the bus through Tuscany, I thought only of death. It was a perfectly beautiful day; outside, an endless range of sun-drenched, undulating hills, the kind that calls American women to give up their busy, money-driven lives in favor of romance and adventure found between wine tastings. But I could not see the appeal of the landscape or the rom-com I could potentially star in. Instead I was consumed with how annoying everyone on my tour bus was, how my friend next to me wouldn’t stop talking, how uncomfortable the seat was. I grumbled, I shot daggers from my eyes; I was in paradise and I was miserable.

By now, you probably have a word in your head for what I was feeling: hangry. And yet, in 2006, I didn’t know that word. Yes, I knew I got preternaturally cranky when I didn’t eat, a fun pit stop between my normal state and fainting, but there was no catch-all phrase for it, maybe because it seemed too obvious and universal of a feeling to need one. Because of course people get angry when they’re hungry. Being hungry sucks.