"Smart" sticker would let shoppers know if food hasn't been kept cold



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"Smart" sticker would let shoppers know if food hasn't been kept cold - World Atlas

If you're buying food that should have been kept cold right up until you took it off the shelf, it would certainly be good to know if it had actually reached room temperature at some point. An experimental new sticker could help, as it's designed to tell you if that happened.

Developed by scientists at the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, the disposable device is intended to be adhered to the packaging of temperature-sensitive foods such as meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. It could also be applied to other products that need to be kept frozen or refrigerated, like medications.

The thin, flexible sticker incorporates a surface film made of polymer nanofibers, which neatly intersect one another as long as the ambient temperature is cold. This causes the film to appear opaque, keeping an underlying image on the sticker from being seen.