Revealed: The Most Stressful Aspects Of Airport Travel



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Revealed: The Most Stressful Aspects Of Airport Travel - Forbes

Going on vacation is, by its very nature, supposed to be a relaxing, recuperating experience. But inevitably in life, to get to the good stuff there has to be some stress first – namely, traveling to reach that sundrenched beach or metropolis of urban and cultural cool.

Airport travel in particular can induce astronomical stress levels, from simply getting there to navigating the maze of passport control and security, duty free, restaurants, shops, bars and of course the often lengthy walk to get to the far flung airport gate in good time. Not to mention the waiting.

With this in mind, airport lounge access specialist Priority Pass has taken a look into the most stressful parts of the airport experience to uncover the black spots and help us navigate our travels with a little more serenity.