Please, Bug Out: 8 Things You Should Know About Cooking with Bugs



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Please, Bug Out: 8 Things You Should Know About Cooking with Bugs - Chowhound

The sticker shock of eating bugs has worn off. Western civilization may pride itself on its culinary heritage and prowess, its forward-thinking innovations in the gastronomic arena, but the fact remains that there’s major food tradition that 80 percent of the world’s population celebrates that we don’t: eating bugs.

While we have definitely been coming around to the concept in recent years—assisted, no doubt, by the the fact that the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization has encouraged it as the sustainable protein choice for our planet’s future—we’re definitely behind the learning curve. Sure, insects are now popping up at well-respected restaurants in Chicago and you can even find chili-lime roasted chapulines (a.k.a. grasshoppers) on sale at Seattle Mariners games as a beer nut alternative, but we’re still way behind in terms of insect cookery being less of a novelty and more a part of everyday life.