Opinion: Your Thanksgiving turkey keeps getting cheaper — and better for the environment



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Opinion: Your Thanksgiving turkey keeps getting cheaper — and better for the environment - Marketwatch

Turkeys today cost less than half the price per pound of the 1970s, after adjusting for inflation

Americans will eat about 210 million turkeys this year, amounting to over 16 pounds per person. Much of that will be eaten on Thanksgiving Day.

Over time, our Thanksgiving meal has become considerably more affordable. Turkey will probably average about $1.40 per pound across the country in November 2019, which is less than half the price consumers were paying for turkey in the 1970s in inflation-adjusted terms.

I’m an expert on food and agricultural economics, and I set out to answer the question: How has turkey become so much more affordable? It turns out there isn’t a single factor, but rather a web of innovations.