Is Amtrak becoming like the airlines?



Staff member
Is Amtrak becoming like the airlines? - USA Today

For years I’ve been traveling to the nation’s capital to represent airline passengers before Congress, the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration. And I often get there by train. That’s not a punchline or a cheap shot, just a simple recognition that for me – and millions of others who live along the Interstate 95 corridor – Amtrak is the quickest, easiest, least stressful, most productive and often cheapest mode to get from Connecticut to downtown Washington. The same is true in many other communities nationwide.

But like many other riders and consumer advocates, I’ve started to note “airline creep” working its way into Amtrak’s policies, pricing, fees and service. It’s little wonder, since the former CEO of Northwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines is now the CEO of the nation’s train line. So it’s also little wonder those of us who love riding the rails are now asking: Is Amtrak turning into a low-cost airline?


Have been taking the Amtrak train more frequently in the southern California area. Love taking the train with the ability to relax, enjoy an adult beverage, or just get up and walk around. Sure beats driving in the So. Cal traffic.

The biggest draw-back is the timeliness of the train. The train is frequently not on time and can be delayed for over an hour sometimes. So, you have to plan accordingly. Hopefully, Amtrak will get this under control.