How to Cook Rice Perfectly Every Time



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How to Cook Rice Perfectly Every Time - The Manual

Rice is a delicious, versatile staple that goes well with almost anything, from steak to sushi. It’s the perfect ingredient to keep on hand for quick meals that are easy to make and will fill you up any night of the week. But between avoiding a mushy texture and keeping it from sticking to the bottom of your favorite cookware and burning it, it can be tough to make. It doesn’t have to be so tricky, though. We’ve put together a guide on how to cook rice perfectly every time, so you can enjoy those tasty grains without the headaches.

Keep in mind that the variety and grain of rice you choose will affect the final texture no matter what – they’re all unique in their own ways. Long grain rice will have a fluffy texture, short grain a sticky texture, and medium grain will fall somewhere between the two. Brown rice will be chewier, while white rice is stickier. Other varieties – like Jasmine and Basmati – offer their own unique flavors and aromas. You can prepare any type of rice using the two methods outlined below, though the stovetop method may require extra experimentation to get the texture just right when switching between varieties.