Here's Why You Stress Eat—And How to Stop Doing It



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Here's Why You Stress Eat—And How to Stop Doing It - Time

It should come as no surprise that Americans are stressed. A 2017 survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that money, work, crime, violence, the political climate and the future of the nation are all significant stressors for Americans, each plaguing more than half of the survey respondents.

While stress is bad for the body, the ways people deal with it can be just as unhealthy. The APA found in a different survey that almost 40% of adults reported overeating or consuming junk food in response to stress during the prior month. And of those people, about half said they did so weekly.

What is it about food — particularly junk food — that calls to so many of us during stressful times? Here’s what the experts say about stress eating.