Here's How to Clean All Your Food Storage Containers



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Here's How to Clean All Your Food Storage Containers - Self

Keep them clean and stink-free with a few simple hacks.

Every time I use a food storage container, I'm reminded of how hard they can be to clean. When I reach for one to pack up leftovers or store my meal prep in, I'm confronted by the stains (and sometimes even smells) of meals past. Even if I give the container another quick scrub with a sponge and soap, it's usually not enough to return it to its original, pristine state. And no matter what I'm using, whether it's a plastic sandwich box or a metal soup container, I always seem to have the same problem. What gives?

According to Kirsten Horton, creator of the home and cleaning blog Organized Charm, there are a couple reasons why my food storage containers are in such a state. "[Food storage] absorbs bad smells and stains because it is mostly made of plastic, and plastic is porous," she explains. Because of its porousness, plastic becomes even more vulnerable to stains and odors when heated, which is why you should generally avoid microwaving plastic food storage units or transferring hot food directly into them. Instead, give the food time to cool before you pack it up, and transfer it to a microwave-safe dish before you heat it up. Though they aren't as susceptible to stains, smells cling to metal containers in a similar way, she says, especially when they've been sealed for extended periods of time.