Harvard researchers discover a surprising reason why Zoom and Skype won’t kill business travel



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Harvard researchers discover a surprising reason why Zoom and Skype won’t kill business travel - Fast Company

Business travel: Turns out it does more than just fill up the front half of the airplane.

It might actually do some good for the world, says a new study out of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Growth Lab, which finds a direct link—of causation, not correlation—between a country’s incoming business travel and its economic growth. The more business travelers a country received, the better its industrial ventures fared, and the higher its GDP climbed.

The study’s authors attribute this link to the movement of “knowhow”—a quantity that exists only in brains and is transferred from brain to brain through lived experiences, over years of imitating, repeating, and responding to situations. It’s the type of knowledge that cannot be written in a book or defined by an algorithm, but must be picked up from others by working alongside them.