Got Meat? How to Buy, Cook and Eat It Safely - Here's what to know about antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other carnivorous concerns.



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Got Meat? How to Buy, Cook and Eat It Safely - Here's what to know about antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other carnivorous concerns. - US News and World Report

Veggie burger or burger-burger? What you order used to come down to whether you are a vegetarian or carnivore, or whether you're in the mood for something light or something juicy. But today, your answer may be driven by more complex considerations like where the meat came from, your concerns about heart disease risk and your feelings about environmental sustainability.

Consider, for example, a new analysis from the Environmental Working Group, which reports that nearly 80 percent of the government-tested bacteria on supermarket ground turkey, pork chops, ground beef and chicken were antibiotic-resistant in 2015, the most recent year from which data is available.

That means that the food is likely to house bacteria that doesn't respond to the medications intended to kill it, due to widespread farming practices involving the use of antibiotics to encourage growth and prevent disease in animals.