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Global Entry: A Travel Investment Well Worth $100 - Kiplinger
Standing in lines at the airport is one of the biggest hassles of travel. Global Entry can help. Here's how the program works and how you can apply.
What’s the worst part about traveling? I don’t know about you, but for me it’s the time I spend waiting in line at the airport. Waiting to check suitcases. Waiting to get on or off a plane. Waiting for luggage in the baggage claim area.
While it’s nearly impossible to avoid waiting at some point in your journey, for $100 every five years you can reduce the drudgery of two of the most unpleasant, time-consuming tasks: going through TSA security checkpoints and standing in the U.S. Customs line when you return from an overseas trip. How? By signing up for Global Entry, a program offered by the U.S. Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
My family recently became members, and it was worth every penny during our recent trip to Europe.
Standing in lines at the airport is one of the biggest hassles of travel. Global Entry can help. Here's how the program works and how you can apply.
What’s the worst part about traveling? I don’t know about you, but for me it’s the time I spend waiting in line at the airport. Waiting to check suitcases. Waiting to get on or off a plane. Waiting for luggage in the baggage claim area.
While it’s nearly impossible to avoid waiting at some point in your journey, for $100 every five years you can reduce the drudgery of two of the most unpleasant, time-consuming tasks: going through TSA security checkpoints and standing in the U.S. Customs line when you return from an overseas trip. How? By signing up for Global Entry, a program offered by the U.S. Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
My family recently became members, and it was worth every penny during our recent trip to Europe.