Family armchair traveling: Corona made me do it



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Family armchair traveling: Corona made me do it - East Oregonian

The kids are still out of school, the weather is decent, and you’ve got paid time off you need to use. Sounds like the perfect time for travel plans! Except, 2020 doesn’t care about your plans. 2020 only cares about itself.

Maybe we’re going about this whole thing wrong. Maybe it’s time for the parents of Eastern Oregon to rise up and reject 2020’s grasp on our freedom. That’s right, rip off your mask and spit in the face of the enemy! Just kidding, please don’t do that. My suggestion is that you get creative about your traveling.

No, I don’t mean scour Pinterest for travel-themed toilet paper tube crafts to do with your kids. You’re sick of them, they are sick of them, and it creates a false sense of importance in toilet paper tubes.