Don't Forget These Vaccines When You Travel



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Don't Forget These Vaccines When You Travel - Consumer Reports

Planning a summer trip? Know which shots—from measles to yellow fever—you may need to protect yourself.

If you're planning a summer trip overseas, you may be preoccupied with booking airfare and finding lodging, but certain destinations require an extra step of planning: travel vaccines.

You might be tempted to skip the extra doctor's visit, but don't. Last year saw a record number of measles cases in Europe, and the highly contagious illness continues to spread across the continent. Yellow fever remains a significant concern in South America, and hepatitis A has doctors everywhere—including in the U.S.—on alert.

You can protect yourself from all three of these illnesses (and more) if you get your shots in time. Here's a quick rundown on the travel vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.