Dangerous Chemicals Are Found in Popular CBD Products



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Dangerous Chemicals Are Found in Popular CBD Products - Consumer Reports

A new study detects synthetic marijuana and an OTC cough drug in vaping liquids

Several products from a leading brand of CBD vaping liquids contain a chemical that’s been linked to emergency room admissions and even death, according to a study published this month in Forensic Science International.

Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University found that the products, all from Diamond CBD, a publicly traded company, contained a compound called 5F-ADB. That compound, often found in illegal synthetic marijuana products such as “K2” and “Spice,” can trigger paranoia and panic attacks, increase heart rate and blood pressure, and cause convulsions, organ damage, and even death, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency.

One of the tested products also contained dextromethorphan, a cough drug ingredient that is sometimes abused by teens looking for a high.