Can People with Diabetes Eat Carrots?



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Can People with Diabetes Eat Carrots? - Healthline

People with diabetes may find themselves wondering what the best dietary recommendations are. One common question that pops up is, can people with diabetes eat carrots?

The short and simple answer is, yes. Carrots, as well as other vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, are a non-starchy vegetable. For people with diabetes (and everyone else, for that matter), non-starchy vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet.

It’s important to pay attention to the carbohydrate content in food when you have diabetes. However, many foods that contain carbs also contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and even fiber.

Some of these foods, especially non-starchy vegetables, have less of an impact on blood glucose levels. In this article, we’ll explore how carrots impact diabetes, and offer some helpful information about carbohydrates and diabetes.