Babies Can Feed Themselves Solid Food



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Babies Can Feed Themselves Solid Food - Lifehacker AU

Here's my parenting brag: I've never bought any baby food. I've never had a mush of green mashed peas flung at my wall. I've never played "aeroplane" zooming a spoon toward my daughter's closed mouth. And I've never, ever begged her to eat a thing.

When my daughter was five months old and a girlfriend mentioned Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), I was confused. She explained that it's a way of introducing solid foods without me feeding them to her with a spoon. You basically place age-appropriate foods cut up into small pieces in front of infants, and let them go at it.

"It's a way of fostering independence," she explained. I was sceptical: Would she get enough to eat? What about choking risks? But the idea of avoiding all the begging and pleading and dealing with boiled smashed squash did sound like a good deal. So I started investigating.