travel fees

  1. cheryl

    Travel fees are out of control. Here's what to do about them

    Travel fees are out of control. Here's what to do about them - USA Today Travel surcharges are so annoying. And they're just getting worse. At least that's the assessment of Jayne Hanlin, a retired elementary school teacher from St. Louis. Late last summer, the hotel chain informed her that...
  2. cheryl

    5 frustrating travel fees actually worth paying

    5 frustrating travel fees actually worth paying - Chron By now nearly every traveler has been hit by surprise “resort fees” or overpriced wi-fi fees at hotels. Airlines demand fees for bags, food, and seat assignments. Rental car companies pile on all kinds of extra “concession” fees or hit us...
  3. cheryl

    Higher Bag Fees and Other Ways You’ll Pay More to Travel This Year

    Higher Bag Fees and Other Ways You’ll Pay More to Travel This Year - Go Banking Rates Here's why your vacations are about to get more expensive. Major airlines have increased checked bag fees due to rising fuel and labor costs. Hotel prices will escalate in response to a strong global...