
  1. cheryl

    Why Having a Pet Can Boost Your Mood and Keep Your Brain Healthy

    Why Having a Pet Can Boost Your Mood and Keep Your Brain Healthy - Cleveland Clinic Understanding how animals contribute to good health Therapy animals have long been the trusted companions of people with disabilities. Now, animals of all kinds are proving their value to individuals dealing...
  2. cheryl

    Uber Introduces New Feature For Animal Lovers Traveling with Pets

    Uber Introduces New Feature For Animal Lovers Traveling with Pets - People The program will guarantee that riders can bring their furry friends along on a trip The latest offering from Uber aims to make life a little less “ruff” for animal lovers...
  3. cheryl

    Travel companions: Tips for a successful getaway with your pet

    Travel companions: Tips for a successful getaway with your pet - The Register Mail For pet owners, taking a vacation is just more fun if they bring their dog along, and the travel industry is keen to cater to the needs of both owners and their furry friends. “For many, pets are like family...