
  1. cheryl

    An Apple a Day

    An Apple a Day - Harvard Healthy foods matter more than type of diet in reducing risk of heart disease Achieving or maintaining a healthy body weight is one key to preventing cardiovascular disease. But even experts don’t agree on the best way to achieve that goal, with some recommending...
  2. cheryl

    Here's What Actually Happens in Your Body When You Eat Protein

    Here's What Actually Happens in Your Body When You Eat Protein - Self Besides help you make those #gains at the gym, of course. While carbs and fat get alternately praised and punished, protein is basically the golden child among the macronutrients. That’s totally unfair to carbs and fat...
  3. cheryl

    How To Get The Most Nutrients From Your Food

    How To Get The Most Nutrients From Your Food - Forbes If you're a healthy eater or trying to become one, you know the basic step is to incorporate more fresh and whole foods in your daily diet. But did you know that by preparing your meals in a particular way and combining certain foods, you...