
  1. cheryl

    How To Make Fitness And Health A Priority While Traveling

    How To Make Fitness And Health A Priority While Traveling - Forbes It’s a little too easy to throw in the towel when traveling and completely abandon any shred of heathy eating or exercise habits we try to maintain while on known soil. After all, a big part of immersing yourself into a...
  2. cheryl

    Are You Overdosing on Caffeine?

    Are You Overdosing on Caffeine? - Outside Online Signs that your coffee habit is doing more harm than good When I gave up caffeine, the first day was like a scene out of Trainspotting. Picture a grown man balled up on the couch, sweating in November, on the cusp of vomiting, head split right...
  3. cheryl

    IBM fingernail sensor tracks health through your grip

    IBM fingernail sensor tracks health through your grip - Engadget Its AI could detect the development of a disease. The strength of your grip can frequently be a good indicator of your health, and not just for clearly linked diseases like Parkinson's -- it can gauge your cognitive abilities...
  4. cheryl

    The gut microbiota at the intersection of diet and human health

    The gut microbiota at the intersection of diet and human health - Sciencemag Diet affects multiple facets of human health and is inextricably linked to chronic metabolic conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Dietary nutrients are essential not only for human...