
  1. cheryl

    How to crack the code to happiness in the second half of life

    How to crack the code to happiness in the second half of life - NPR You've got to do the work. You can't just wish for it, and you can't hope you get lucky. The point of the work that I'm doing as a social scientist is to not leave your happiness up to chance but to remarkably increase the...
  2. cheryl

    How generosity changes your brain

    How generosity changes your brain - Big Think Money can buy happiness — if you spend it on others, research suggests. Imagine you're really selfish. How should you spend your resources to maximize your happiness? Instead of buying more stuff for yourself, research suggests that giving to...
  3. cheryl

    The Brain-Changing Magic of New Experiences

    The Brain-Changing Magic of New Experiences - GQ The psychological reasons why novelty—from visiting new places to socializing—makes us happier and healthier people. Early on in the pandemic, when I spent most of my days confined to my apartment, I noticed something strange start to happen...
  4. cheryl

    Proven Ways Travel Increases Happiness Levels And Enhances Quality Of Life In Adults

    Proven Ways Travel Increases Happiness Levels And Enhances Quality Of Life In Adults - Forbes Many of us thought that 2021 would bring a fresh start, yet anxieties are still at an all-time high as the pressures of remote work persist. For many individuals who lack separation in their lives...
  5. cheryl

    How to spend your money for maximum happiness

    How to spend your money for maximum happiness - Popular Science Years of behavioral and psychological research have given us insight into how to splurge optimally. The idea that materialistic values can obstruct our path to happiness dates back hundreds of years. The Buddha encouraged a...
  6. cheryl

    How to boost happiness hormones like serotonin and dopamine in everyday life

    How to boost happiness hormones like serotonin and dopamine in everyday life - CNET Find out what triggers happiness hormones and how to make the most of them. In this new normal (aka life in a pandemic) a few simple rituals always make me happy: that first sip of coffee, cuddles with my...
  7. cheryl

    Money buys even more happiness than it used to

    Money buys even more happiness than it used to - Big Think Don't listen to the old adage. Many factors determine happiness, but one has stirred considerable controversy over the years: money. While the old adage says that money can't buy happiness, several studies have determined that the...
  8. cheryl

    Humans aren’t designed to be happy – so stop trying

    Humans aren’t designed to be happy – so stop trying - The Conversation A huge happiness and positive thinking industry, estimated to be worth US$11 billion a year, has helped to create the fantasy that happiness is a realistic goal. Chasing the happiness dream is a very American concept...
  9. cheryl

    Scientists Say That Traveling Makes Us Much Happier Than Any Material Wealth

    Scientists Say That Traveling Makes Us Much Happier Than Any Material Wealth - Daily Health Post Why do many people go shopping the minute they have money in their wallets? Material wealth brings you happiness, albeit temporarily. Only a few days after a new purchase, the thrill, pleasure, and...
  10. cheryl

    13 Lessons to Make You Really, Truly Happy. Maybe.

    13 Lessons to Make You Really, Truly Happy. Maybe. - Outside Our writer and favorite curmudgeon completed UC Berkeley's ten-week Science of Happiness online course. Did it make him happier? Not really. But he still came away with some important, if obvious, rules to live by. ast autumn, I...
  11. cheryl

    Do you know that there are five emotional diseases that can eat away at your happiness? Here they are

    Do you know that there are five emotional diseases that can eat away at your happiness? Here they are - Fox News If you have been feeling unhappy lately, you’re not alone...