growing food

  1. cheryl

    Is Gardening Really Cheaper Than Buying Fruits and Vegetables?

    Is Gardening Really Cheaper Than Buying Fruits and Vegetables? - Life Hacker One reason people start gardens is sticker shock at the grocery store. But can you really save buckets of cash growing your own food? With food costs rising, many people are contemplating starting a garden. This makes...
  2. cheryl

    Children Growing Their Own Food: Why Children Need To Learn This Important Skill

    Children Growing Their Own Food: Why Children Need To Learn This Important Skill - Mother Earth News Are you wondering "why should children learn to grow their own food?" Depending on their age, they are probably busy with school, after-school activities and sports. Or for that matter why...
  3. cheryl

    Could we grow all the food we need in our yards?

    Could we grow all the food we need in our yards? - Tree Hugger A few months ago, I worked on a small farm for a weekend. I spent one full day digging up potatoes and picking squash. By the end, I had around five buckets full of food, all from just a few rows of plants that couldn't have spanned...