
  1. cheryl

    The biology of dads

    The biology of dads - Aeon The bodies and brains of fathers, not just mothers, are transformed through the love and labor of raising a child On a hot summer morning in Atlanta a few years ago, I took my then five-year-old son to his swimming lesson. As we walked toward his pool, we passed a...
  2. cheryl

    The marvel of the human dad

    The marvel of the human dad - Aeon Among our close animal relatives, only humans have involved and empathic fathers. Why did evolution favour the devoted dad? hat separates us from our fellow apes is a question that, rightly or wrongly, distracts anthropologists periodically. Their...
  3. cheryl

    The secret of being a good father

    The secret of being a good father - BBC Past child development research often ignored fathers. But new studies are finding that non-maternal caregivers play a crucial role in children’s behaviour, happiness, even cognitive skills. The Aka tribesmen in the Central African Republic often look...