
  1. cheryl

    Facebook will now show you exactly how it stalks you — even when you're not using Facebook

    Facebook will now show you exactly how it stalks you — even when you're not using Facebook - Stars and Stripes Ever suspect the Facebook app is listening to you? What we now know is even creepier. Facebook is giving us a new way to glimpse just how much it knows about us: On Tuesday, the...
  2. cheryl

    Lawyers are trying to scare you with Facebook ads

    Lawyers are trying to scare you with Facebook ads - The Conversation Some ads can be more than misleading – they can put your health at risk. Last year, ads paid for by law firms and legal referral companies started cropping up on Facebook. Typically, they linked Truvada and other...
  3. cheryl


    THANKS TO FACEBOOK, YOUR CELLPHONE COMPANY IS WATCHING YOU MORE CLOSELY THAN EVER - The Intercept AMONG THE MEGA-CORPORATIONS that surveil you, your cellphone carrier has always been one of the keenest monitors, in constant contact with the one small device you keep on you at almost every...
  4. cheryl

    Here, here: the Swedish online love army who take on the trolls

    Here, here: the Swedish online love army who take on the trolls - The Guardian #Jagärhär (#Iamhere) aims to battle abuse in online threads and jumps to defend those on receiving end When a young woman with rainbow hair and a reputation for hostility towards sexual predators won a Swedish...
  5. cheryl

    How Facebook and Google Are Changing the Travel Industry for Brands and Travelers Alike

    How Facebook and Google Are Changing the Travel Industry for Brands and Travelers Alike - Adweek Through emerging tech, they're transforming hotel booking and trip planning Emerging technologies are changing not just how travel brands do business but also when they do it. After years of...