
  1. cheryl

    Animal DNA is helping unlock some Dead Sea Scrolls secrets

    Animal DNA is helping unlock some Dead Sea Scrolls secrets - CNN The Dead Sea Scrolls are like an ancient puzzle that researchers and scholars are trying to piece together, but multiple obstacles block the way. Now, a new study has suggested a potential aid in finding the way these puzzle...
  2. cheryl

    How Accurate Are Online DNA Tests?

    How Accurate Are Online DNA Tests? - Scientific American Geneticist and author Adam Rutherford examines the evidence The age of consumer genomics has arrived. Nowadays you can send a vial of your spit in the mail and pay to see how your unique genetic code relates to all manner of human...
  3. cheryl

    When a DNA Test Shatters Your Identity

    When a DNA Test Shatters Your Identity - The Atlantic “Each person comes into our group thinking they are a freak.” It was AncestryDNA’s customer-service rep who had to break the news to Catherine St Clair. For her part, St Clair thought she was inquiring about a technical glitch. Her...