chicken soup

  1. cheryl

    A Journey Around the World, as Told Through Chicken Soup

    A Journey Around the World, as Told Through Chicken Soup - Smithsonian On harsh winter days or in times of illness, few remedies soothe the soul quite like a bowl of savory soup with flavorful broth and tiny slices of meat. For culinary whiz Jenn Louis, this popular comfort food is particularly...
  2. cheryl

    Can Chicken Soup Save Us?

    Can Chicken Soup Save Us? - Taste Great versions exist around the world, but it’s not the only soul-satisfying tonic in the pot. t Ix Restaurant in Brooklyn, chef Jorge Cardenas gives away free shots of chicken broth to anyone who would like it. It’s a French-inspired consommé that he simmers...
  3. Chicken soup

    Chicken soup

    Chicken soup is a soup made from chicken, simmered in water, usually with various other ingredients. Chicken soup has long been touted as a form of folk medicine to treat symptoms of the common cold and related conditions. Chicken soup is also known as "Jewish penicillin".